Invasive Species Prevention and Control on Belle Isle

Funded by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Project Budget: $567,995

Start Date: February 1, 2014

End Date: January 31, 2016

This project completed a comprehensive aquatic invasive species control and outreach program on Belle Isle, an historic island park and significant recreation area in the Detroit River. Youth-based employment groups and interested stakeholders partnered with Friends of the Detroit River (FDR) and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to complete the project. The invasive species control workplan was designed to protect the island's diverse ecosystem and recently completed habitat restoration projects funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. A Science and Education Advisory Board provided oversight for development of aquatic invasive species (AIS) educational exhibits and programming on the island, focused on a suite of AIS threatening the Detroit River and the Great Lakes.

Belle Isle, America's largest city-owned island park, hosts 10 million visitors annually. The setting provided an ideal opportunity to engage volunteer park stewards and increase citizen awareness of AIS present on the island and those threatening the Detroit River and the Great Lakes.

Stewardship of Belle Isle dates back to 1879 when Frederick Law Olmsted, "Father of Landscape Architecture" (designer of New York City's Central Park) and original "Placemaker," designed the island to provide work-weary Detroiters with a place to relax and enjoy the out-of-doors. In addition to being the City’s most popular open space for recreation, the island's rich diversity of plants associated with its unique, 200-acre, wet mesic flatwoods forest and penetrating canals provide a haven for migratory and local birds and important nursery habitat for larval fish.

However, the health of Belle Isle’s ecosystem and its importance for Detroit River fish and wildlife was threatened by large growths of AIS. Fortunately, the control of AIS, Phragmites in particular, was somewhat held in check by the efforts of community organizations through a Phragmites management program that began in 2009.

This project aimed to (i) control non-native invasive species present in the Great Lakes ecosystem, specifically on Belle Isle, and (ii) help prevent new introductions of invasive species into the Great Lakes ecosystem by implementing a multi-pronged outreach/education program. Specific strategies to complete the above goals included the following:

  • Control work focused on aquatic invasive species. A comprehensive "island wide" approach targeted the following plants: Phragmites or common reed (Phragmites australis); reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea); purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria); and Japanese knotweed (Polyginum cuspidatum).

  • A two-year program involving multiple treatments by certified contractors was conducted with monitoring throughout the project to record reduction in AIS coverage. The goal was to significantly reduce AIS on Belle Isle to a level that will be more easily managed beyond the grant period.

  • The Friends of the Detroit River, in collaboration with Belle Isle Conservancy, Belle Isle Aquarium, Belle Isle Nature Center, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Wayne State University, Shedd Aquarium, Michigan Sea Grant, Greening of Detroit (Greening), Student Conservation Association (SCA), and Michigan Department of Natural Resources, engaged local experts and the public to further develop AIS control strategies and implement the work. To maximize local "green job" creation and education regarding the importance of this project, youth participating in the Greening and SCA summer employment programs assisted qualified contractors to conduct invasive species control and progress monitoring work. Their training could lead to work in the field of environmental engineering

  • Educational displays were placed at two high-volume visitor destinations. The Belle Isle Aquarium hosted exhibits of live, "local", aquatic invasive animals, graphic displays of "watch" species, and information about eDNA and other early detection methods. The Belle Isle Nature Center showcased and interpreted aquatic invasive plants in an outdoor setting. Both venues advertised special educational events featuring expert speakers and informational handouts. An informative AIS brochure was developed for distribution at both the Aquarium and Nature Center.

Project Updates: The project was completed in January of 2016. In 2014, Removal Work by Youth Corps (Greening of Detroit and the Student Conservation Association) included:

  • < 1 acre amur honeysuckle

  • < 1 acre common buckthorn

  • < 1 acre glossy buckthorn

  • < 1 acre privet

  • < 1 acre multiflora rose

  • < 1 acre ash trees killed by the Emerald Ash borer, downed and on top of other invasive plants.

In 2015, an additional 8 acres of invasive plants were cleared by the youth groups. A tally of contractor-treated areas for all three years is shown below:

  • 43 acres common reed grass (Phragmites)

  • 16 acres reed canary grass

  • 1 acre Japanese knotweed

  • 3 acres purple loosestrife


Frank and Poet Creek Stream Bed, Bank and Shoreline Restoration Project